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Reunion Island and Jardin des Parfums et des Epices

   by Diana Studer - gardening for biodiversity   in Cape Town, South Africa   Splendid birthday 5   We arrived at Reunion Island at sunrise (in November 2023). To see this, I will be up early. Our tugs were Volcan! and Bougainville (the man for whom Bougainvillea was named - French admiral and explorer contemporary with James Cook)   Sunrise arrival at Reunion Along the shore an unexpected elevated freeway in 'tropical France'. Concrete block number 13 along the breakwater, so they can monitor storm movement. Ship shuttle then local bus to a large and very French shopping mall - with prices also in familiar Swiss francs. Temple Mariamen bus stop unmissable! Shuttle again to get free WiFi - and a nasty scrum at the bus, as one impatient thug insisted on shoving his way on while the crammed bus was offloading. Not nearly enough shuttle buses for such a humungous ship.   Bus stop at the mall in Reunion Next day our journey round the island. To (St Denis) S

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