8 Strandveld thicket - tiny suburban forest
Trees and large shrubs in our garden
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Tapestry hedge on our verge February 2021 |
In May 2020 I walked around our garden, counted all the large species and how many of each.
Year |
Species |
total |
Plants |
total |
2014 |
6 + 6 |
12 |
7 + 11 |
18 |
2015 |
+ 10 |
22 |
+ 20 |
38 |
2016 |
+ 4 |
26 |
+ 5 |
43 |
2017 |
+ 2 |
28 |
+ 4 |
47 |
2018 |
+ 2 |
30 |
+ 2 |
49 |
2019 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2020 |
+ 1 |
31 |
+ 1 |
50 |
2021 |
+ 4 |
35 |
+ 4 |
54 |
Planted in 2021
- Leucospermum conocarpodendron
viridum - yellow pincushion, local subspecies
- Cassine peragua peragua - Strandveld thicket. Fruit for birds
- Polygala myrtifolia
- Searsia volunteer maybe lucida
Planted in 2020
- Maurocenia frangula new red leaves
Planted in 2018
- Metalasia muricata tapestry hedge volunteer
- Pappea capensis bushveld cherry
Planted in 2017
- Kiggelaria africana for garden Acraea caterpillars
- Osteospermum moniliferum x3
Planted in 2016
- Pavetta lanceolata forest bride's bush
- Calpurnia aurea (not happy)
- Searsia glauca pot at front door
- Buddleja saligna x2 on verge
Planted in 2015
- Dovyalis caffra Kei apple
- Searsia leptodictya long pale leaves x2
- Nuxia floribunda leaves in whorls of 3 forest elder
- Searsia crenata scalloped edge x7
- Indigofera jucunda delicate mauve spires
- Strelitzia nicolai
- Hibiscus tiliaceus x2 large leaves
- Psychotria capensis x2 shady
- Dombeya burgessiae pink bells
- Bauhinia bowkeri butterfly leaves
- wild olive from Porterville
Planted in 2014)
Added another 6 species.
- Indigenous
- Tarchonanthus littoralis camphorbush
- Halleria lucida x3 red trumpets then berries for birds
- Diospyros whyteana x2 glossy
- Brachylaena discolor x2 silver and bottle green leaves
- Exotic (came with us from Porterville
- Ficus benjamina x2
- Tahiti lime from 2011
Inherited with the
garden in November 2014
- Indigenous
- wild olive
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis golden
- Coprosma repens x 2
- lemon tree
- Citharexylum spinosum orange leaves fiddlewood
- Ceratonia siliqua tall male carob presumably planted in 1996 when the house was built
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