February into March in our False Bay garden


by Diana Studer

- gardening for biodiversity

 in Cape Town, South Africa


Mission accomplished. Painters were here for 6 working days - as promised. We no longer need to beware of slabs of paint falling off walls battered by 10 years of baking sun, winter rain and salt sea breezes. That rotting gate is next on our list.


Needs painting
Needs painting

Thomas and Zoe blissfully unaware that they were about to spend a long week hiding in the greenest corner of the garden.


Zoe and Thomas in February
Zoe and Thomas in February

My Boophone disticha bloomed for the third time. Wafting sweet fragrance as you walk past! Bought in 2007. Bloomed for the first time in 2019. Then again in 2023.


Boophone disticha
Boophone disticha

Boophone disticha
Boophone disticha

Boophone disticha
Boophone disticha

Now we can Beware of The Cat, not the paint attack! Damp and cracks sorted, inside and out.


Beware of The Cats
Beware of The Cats

Zoe is happily back to normal, but Thomas is still programmed to RUN, if there is an untoward noise. Knock at the door? MONSTERS!!


Thomas and Zoe today
Thomas and Zoe today

My lovely pink flowering bulb has gone to seed till next autumn?


Boophone gone to seed
Boophone gone to seed

The weather was kind. Stayed dry for the painters. Yesterday a gentle 4.5 mm rain to rinse the roof for our rain tanks, settle the dust, and refresh battered plants. Thuli Madonsela (planted in 2020) pink rose spangled with raindrops against freshly painted walls.


Thuli Madonsela fragrant pink roses with raindrops
Thuli Madonsela
fragrant pink roses with raindrops

March gardening. Replace pots and garden furniture. Prune hard, to open up paths. New plants for the gaps. Hope autumn and winter rain will bridge the gap our neighbour cut in our hedge - grumble.


Garden year month by month here, back to November 2014.


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Pictures by Diana Studer

of Elephant's Eye on False Bay


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  1. The Boophone disticha bloom is gorgeous, as is that pink rose. Congratulations on the new paint. I hope Thomas overcomes his "stranger danger" trauma in short order.


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