January and our False Bay garden


by Diana Studer

- gardening for biodiversity

 in Cape Town, South Africa


We will be getting our house painted, inside and out (two very disgruntled cats coming up!) Gardening in February will focus on clearing paths and their access to painted walls.


Sunset sky 1
Sunset sky 1

There are evenings when the whole bowl of sky over our heads sparkles with glowing colours.


Kirstenbosch - Vlei Boardwalk
Kirstenbosch - Vlei Boardwalk

At Kirstenbosch the Vlei Boardwalk has opened. It is a short stretch but easy going, no steps. Causeway crossing at the other end needs a moment of concentration. This week they replaced a bench halfway - will try that view next time. Have found a few shady, refreshing paths for those summer days when the breeze drops and we gasp and pant in the 'Kirstenbosch cauldron'.


The new sculptures by Anton Smit have made that corner of the Garden a meandering destination.


Dwarf coral tree at Kirstenbosch in January
Dwarf coral tree at Kirstenbosch in January

Walking up from the Otter Pond, I happened on the dwarf coral tree I was looking for.


Crinum are pink in sunshine
Crinum are pink in sunshine

In January the row of Crinum have lit up like Christmas. Flowers are intensely fragrant. On stalks about hip high, lolling in the path, we have had to stake them upright as they tumble one by one. Those swirls of chunky, fleshy leaves have exploded since 2023!


Insect on Crinum
Insect on Crinum

Waiting for iNatters to tell me what this visiting insect is.


Crinum in the evening
Crinum in the evening

In the gentler light of evening the flowers appear more white than pink.


All good things come to an end. The Garden Gate meme has closed. I will use these monthly posts as a journal of life, and garden.


Sunset sky 2
Sunset sky 2

Garden year month by month here, back to November 2014.


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Pictures by Diana Studer

of Elephant's Eye on False Bay


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