November Fynbos Rambles to Simonsberg, Steenberg Plateau, Elsie's Peak and Noordhoek Wetland


by Diana Studer

- gardening for biodiversity

 in Cape Town, South Africa


Hiking among wildflowers

in the mountains

around Cape Town




Wind cut short our walk. Mountain slope covered in Watsonia borbonica, with one last Serruria hirsuta.


Watsonia borbonica Simonsberg November
Watsonia borbonica
Simonsberg November

Almost the same colour, and yet so different in mauvy blues. Roella ciliata adds navy and white stripes. Corymbium africanum - a daisy with a corymb of flowers and 'bulb' leaves. Pseudoselago spuria, darker in bud at centre of each head. Dilatris pillansii - for species check the stamens.


Mauvy blues on Simonsberg November
Mauvy blues on Simonsberg November

New to me - flowers on Gerbera linnaei. We always see those ferny leaves - for a daisy!


Gerbera linnaei Simonsberg November
Gerbera linnaei
Simonsberg November

Pelargonium elongatum - long flowerstalks and zonal leaves. Two inches high, but still a (South of the Sahara) hibiscus = Hibiscus aethiopica. Rafnia angulata - glaucous leaves with yellow pea flowers.


November flowers on Simonsberg
November flowers on Simonsberg

Steenberg plateau


LONG steady walk to naval mast and burnt area for orchids. Wade carefully thru the bog first. Disa atricapilla the dark vibrant one. Disa bivalvata is a quieter version. Yellow orchid Pterygodium acutifolium. Gladiolus pappei staying with pinks.


Boggy orchids Steenberg November
Boggy orchids
Steenberg November

Then walk down the 'closed for frogs in season' path. Strange Evotella carnosa chunky flesh-coloured, liver orchid. Watsonia coccinea - boggy and small for a watsonia. Moraea angusta.


Evotella liver orchid Steenberg November
Evotella liver orchid
Steenberg November

Drosera cuneifolia with curled flowerstalk and luscious pink flowers. Villarsia goldblattiana, in the bog, big fleshy leaves, OTT fringed yellow flowers - a happy first for me.


Drosera and Villarsia Steenberg November
Drosera and Villarsia
Steenberg November

Steady pace home on the jeep track, after tea at Junction Pool. Upside down orchid, toothy lip UP, Eulophia bolusii. Small furry yellow pea Aspalathus ericifolia.


Upside down orchid Steenberg November
Upside down orchid
Steenberg November


Elsie's Peak


Fierce windy and some spots of rain. Up to the rocks near the top to visit Teedia lucida with 'rock tomatoes'. Furry green Erica capitata. Down past Osmitopsis dentata. Aspalathus juniperina orange and yellow flowers.


Teedia Elsie's Peak November
Elsie's Peak November

Pelargonium psammophilum with burgundy spotted petals. Daisy bracts on Senecio umbellatus. Pink and white Podalyria argentea - with rust lined buds.


Podalyria Elsie's Peak November
Elsie's Peak November

Frame the view for the weekend's Ultra-Trail Cape Town runners. Kitty beetle. The scraped patch on the slope behind the hotel is another new development.


Kitty beetle Elsie's Peak
Kitty beetle Elsie's Peak

Noordhoek Wetland


Threatening clouds but no rain! At the wetland a woman on her horse. 'You are frightening my horse! All these people with white hats. He thinks you are monsters!' wow. Disa cornuta sparkles gold in the sun. Golden dragonfly. Red pollen on Moraea racemossisima. Yellow daisy Athanasia crithmifolia.


Gold sparkles Noordhoek Wetland November
Gold sparkles
Noordhoek Wetland November

Chapman's Peak Nature Reserve


Hermannia angustibracteata deep orange twirly bells. Microloma sagittatum tightly twirled flower tips, with a twist of sweetness. Little pumpkin is Kedrostis nana. Careful engineering for winter rain at this development. Former kaolin mine, scrape off all indigenous vegetation, but retain the invasive alien pine trees, which are a fire hazard.


Chapman's Peak Nature Reserve November
Chapman's Peak Nature Reserve

My hikes are listed on my Hiking page.


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Pictures by Diana Studer

of Elephant's Eye on False Bay


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  1. I envy the variety of flowers you see on your hikes! I grew Watsonia in my former tiny garden and would love to grow it in my larger current garden but the bulbs are surprisingly difficult to find here.

  2. You made my day. :) From the start (Hiking among wildflowers...) to the finish (your list of hikes), and everything in between (the beautiful scenes and plants), this post has brightened my outlook. Thank you!

    1. Definitely sending you and Kris and Hoover Boo 'flowers and blue skies with a gentle breeze'

  3. I love seeing your wildflowers. Even your orchid genus names are unknown to me! I am only really familiar with pelargoniums.

  4. Wonderful to see all those wonderful plants in their native environment. I just wanted to let you know Diana that after much thought I have decided not to do a monthly ' Through the Garden Gate' in 2025. I want to feature more coastal images this year. Many thanks for all the years that you have taken part I will try to continue to visit you! Sarah x

    1. We will miss your Garden Gate. On the coast is good too!

  5. What absolutely brilliant colours - and so much better in their natural sunny native land... I look forward to spending more time on your blog in 2025. All the best :)

  6. An over abundance of wildflowers, what a delight! I especially like the first photos of the pink hillside. You live in such a beautiful area.

  7. How lovely are these photos. They warm my heart and soul - we are very hopeful that spring is on the way here. I've heard of most of the locations here but not Steenberg plateau. That is new to me
