7 Woodland Walk and Froggy Pond

Wish list - Trees and shrubs
Heteromorpha arborescens shiny flaky bark

June 2024
Helmuthia mebranacea Cyperaceae. Sedge to 1M. Seasonally wet. Full sun. In a pot on the beach at Froggy Pond.

February 2024
Asparagus seedling near Kei apple

July 2022
Moved Rumohra adiantiformis seven weeks fern to wall behind Maid of the Forest

September 2021
Cassine peragua Celastraceae Cape saffron planted in shade behind Maid of the Forest. Rich moist soil
Ficinia fine forest sedge. Rich moist soil. Waiting to be planted  

October 2020
Spanish bluebells moved (from rain gauge) to corner across from lemon and rain tank

November 2019
Brachylaena discolor seedling in big planter next to dwindling bietou

October 2019
Moved Pelargonium capitatum to lemon end of tank planter.

May 2019
About 12 yellow Clivia removed from pot and planted under carob

December 2018
Clivia gardenii planted behind the Frog. Needs shade and compost. Blooms in autumn.

September 2018
Cuttings of red Pelargonium to small planter with Pavetta 

June 2018
Pruned a third out of Leonotis leonurus
Dipogon lignosus for trellis at first rain tank
Ficinia lateralis lots of water. Next to frog. 
Removed Plectranthus neochilus
Cut back Pelargonium capitatum
Cut back pink pelargonium with dark leaves, hanging over lemon tree end of planter

May 2018
Psychotria capensis to hide newest rain tank 
Removed Plectranthus neochilus from sunny side of S-path. 
Cuttings of Gazania.
Replanted ivy pelargoniums along the top of that wall. 

April 2018
Replanted Bulbine around the pond

March 2018
Relaid the path around the lemon tree
Added third water tank

October 2017
Moved Kniphofia Orange x2 Tall. Sun. To the pond end of the planter.

May 2017 between planter and boundary wall
Kiggelaria africana wild peach tree, shade tree, canopy for birds, orange fruit Feb to July for boubou, thrush, robin and white-eye, attracts black hairy Acraea caterpillars who strip the leaves and bring cuckoos.

October 2016 again in third small raised planter
Removed the last inherited Bougainvillea
Hypoestes seedling from kitchen door
Alstroemeria two clumps from the path
Plectranthus neochilus cuttings in retaining blocks

September 2016 in third small raised planter
Pavetta lanceolata Forest bride's bush. Small tree. Fragrant white flowers Nov to Jan. Sun or semi-shade. Water well. 2-5M high and 2M wide

Pond or wet feet
Vlei lilies in pots

March 2016
Emptied 'pond in waiting' green plastic baby bath
IN Froggy Pond
Waterlily Nymphaea capensis Blue
Eel grass, small white flowers, narrow leaves (Porterville and more from Harry Goemans) 
Around Froggy Pond
Pink Pelargonium cuttings from pot to house planter
Kniphofia Orange x2 Tall. Sun. At lemon tree end of house planter
Pelargonium Tacari. White with red eye. In blocks behind Frog. 
White Pelargonium cuttings from pot to boundary planter
Juncus moved from banana plant to house planter
Bulbine yellow around 2 sides of the pond
Plectranthus neochilus behind the frog
Sansevieria x2 varieties
Cyperus x 2 (from father) at the pump switch
Elegia capensis in the corner. 2M Well-drained and damp. Sun or semi-shade

February 2016
Moved from Karoo Koppie retaining blocks because they need some shade
Crassula multicava subsp. multicava  mat-forming evergreen groundcover. 30 mm. Pink flowers July-Sept.
Multi-coloured succulent from Riebeeck wotsit
Blue grey succulent from Helene
Kalanchoe burnt orange flowers. From Winnie

January 2016
Along the path for the house planter Plectranthus neochilus

December 2015
House planter
Hypoestes seedlings x2
Searsia leptodictya
Searsia crenata dune crowberry 2-3M
In the blocks near house inherited red ivy pelargonium
In the blocks near path Pelargonium peltatum semi-shade PAC Evka. Single red flowers. White-edged foliage.

Boundary planter
Dovyalis caffra Kei apple
Searsia crenata dune crowberry
Searsia leptodictya Bergkaree to arch over and sit under. Corky bark
Garden Alstroemeria in faded pink
Mareli's variegated Hypericum
Mareli's green and white Pelargonium lipstick pink flowers
Mareli's Pelargonium quercifolium red-veined leaves pink flowers
Another Pelargonium with small leaves
In the blocks ivy pelargonium Raspberry Ripple
Around the base Plectranthus neochilus

September 2015
Asparagus seedling under the carob tree

2015 August Woodland Walk

December 2014
Leonotis leonurus lion's ear, wild dagga, tiered candelabra flowers, nectar for sunbirds, prune after flowering in autumn for bushiness - and - 
Burchellia bubalina - near the carob tree

2014 December after we removed the Wendy house (garden shed)

Carob tree July 2014

November 2014
Waiting for us
Carob tree Ceratonia siliqua
